Gather’s Free Day of Coworking: Experience the Future of Productivity

Posted by Gather on Aug 7, 2023 9:29:28 AM


Discover the dynamic world of Gather, where modern workspaces blend seamlessly with a vibrant community atmosphere. Whether you're a solo entrepreneur or part of a Fortune 5,000 company, Gather provides flexible workspace solutions that empower you to excel. One of our most exciting events, the Free Day of Coworking, is just around the corner on August 9th, 2023. Join us and experience the benefits of our collaborative workspaces firsthand. In this blog, we'll walk you through what to expect and how to make the most of this unique opportunity.

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Topics: Gather, Coworking, Office Space, Gather Blog, Employee Productivity, Flexible Workspace, Workspace Solutions, Flexible Membership, Traditional Office Space

Coworking Spaces Increase Employee Engagement: Companies Benefit from an Improved Work Culture

Posted by Gather on Jul 11, 2023 4:03:23 PM


Research finds that many businesses are failing to recognize the importance of employee engagement. Instead of focusing on this key indicator of a thriving work culture, company leaders might focus too much on what makes their employees happy and satisfied.

While content employees do help create a successful company, leading studies demonstrate how maintaining quality engagement leads to better business outcomes and employees who want to stay. Through the capabilities of coworking spaces, businesses can revitalize their approach to employee engagement and improve their work culture.


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Topics: Gather, Coworking, Office Space, Gather Blog, Employee Productivity, Flexible Workspace, Workspace Solutions, Flexible Membership, Traditional Office Space

How to Organize Your Workspace and Increase Office Productivity

Posted by Cathy Welch on Jan 12, 2021 12:23:37 PM

How’s your workspace? Is it a dream to walk into, sit down and put your hands on exactly what you need to perform your next task?

Or is it a chaotic, frustrating mess? Getting a handle on the major workspace tools of paper, electronic documents, office supplies, and an efficient use of space is the perfect place to start.

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Working in a coworking environment like Gather can help in all these areas.

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Topics: Coworking, Office Space, Remote Work, Office Design, Employee Productivity

Why Coworking Is Good For Your Mental Health

Posted by Joseph Genest on Nov 13, 2020 1:54:35 PM

A coworking space is more than just an office, but a community to help foster and nurture growth.

Mental health is the foundation of productivity.

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Topics: Coworking, Remote Work, Company Culture, Employee Productivity

Five Reasons to Work from Gather Rather than Working From Home

Posted by Doug & Polly White on Aug 17, 2020 9:48:20 AM

The pandemic has forced many employees to work from home. As some return to the office, many people will be given the opportunity to continue to work remotely. Working from home is one option, but a Gather membership may be more advantageous. Here are five reasons working from Gather beats working from home:

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Topics: Coworking, Business Corner, Remote Work, Employee Productivity, Working From Home

7 Things To Stop Doing In Order To Boost Your Freelance Productivity

Posted by Cathy Welch on Jul 10, 2020 2:54:45 PM

No one likes it when someone tells you that what you’ve been doing “forever” is ineffective, but breaking some of those bad habits can help you boost your productivity and use your time more efficiently.

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Topics: Remote Work, Freelancing, Employee Productivity

7 Things To Start Doing In Order To Boost Your Freelance Productivity

Posted by Cathy Welch on Jun 12, 2020 3:08:09 PM

As a home-based freelancer, it’s vital to be mindful of the ways in which you can optimize your productivity. I’m a writer, so when I receive an assignment, I list items like transcribing the interview, and creating a first, second, third and final draft. As the story begins to form, I focus on additional research, quote gathering, and cutting word count.

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Topics: Freelancing, Employee Productivity

Tips For Managing COVID Anxiety and Staying Productive

Posted by Hannah Woehrle on May 8, 2020 2:29:51 PM

Making the transition to working from home can be a challenge in the best of times. These days, with social distancing efforts making more and more positions remote, it can be hard to adjust to the “new normal” and cope with the fear surrounding COVID-19. As various states begin to prepare to re-open to varying degrees, there’s a lot of uncertainty in the air. 

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Topics: Employee Productivity, Working From Home, COVID-19

Productive Morning Routines for the Remote Worker

Posted by Langdon Moss on Apr 24, 2020 12:52:04 PM

How you rise determines how you shine (or slog) through the day. The morning rituals we incorporate set the stage for how the rest of the day will unfold - in the words of Ben Franklin, “Early to bed and early to rise makes man healthy, wealthy and wise.” In fact, many of our most successful entrepreneurs view their mornings as the most important part of their days. In this post, we’ll share a few simple changes you can make to your morning ritual that have been scientifically shown to improve energy levels, boost health, and encourage mental relaxation.

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Topics: Coworking, Remote Work, Employee Productivity

How Innovative Offices Improve Employee Performance

Posted by Joseph Genest on Apr 10, 2020 2:24:46 PM

From the cubicle to the open concept, there are numerous examples of designs that have been effective for some industries and teams, while being a stonewall distraction for others.

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Topics: Office Space, Business Corner, Office Design, Employee Productivity