Doug & Polly White

Doug and Polly White offer valuable insights into choosing the right coworking space for your business, and how to determine if coworking is right for you.

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Eight Things to Consider when Choosing a Coworking Space

Posted by Doug & Polly White on Nov 2, 2020 11:05:21 AM

Among the most important factors to consider when choosing a coworking space are:

  1. Location
  2. Access to the space
  3. How the space is staffed
  4. Availability of the space you need
  5. Look and feel of the space
  6. Amenities offered
  7. Cost
  8. Flexibility of the membership agreement.

Compare Gather vs. commercial office costs

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Topics: Coworking, Office Space, Remote Work, Company Culture

COVID-19 Makes Coworking Community Even More Important

Posted by Doug & Polly White on Sep 16, 2020 4:48:07 PM

According to a new study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, “Rates of anxiety and depression have tripled during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Maurizio Fava, M.D., Psychiatrist-in-Chief at Mass General, cites numerous reasons for this massive increase in depression, including  unprecedented social isolation and loss of community. Dr. Fava said, “Social isolation, in particular, has made the COVID-19 pandemic challenging. People are not able to leave home for support.”

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Topics: Coworking, Community, COVID-19

Five Reasons to Work from Gather Rather than Working From Home

Posted by Doug & Polly White on Aug 17, 2020 9:48:20 AM

The pandemic has forced many employees to work from home. As some return to the office, many people will be given the opportunity to continue to work remotely. Working from home is one option, but a Gather membership may be more advantageous. Here are five reasons working from Gather beats working from home:

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Topics: Coworking, Business Corner, Remote Work, Employee Productivity, Working From Home

Five Reasons Working at Gather Beats Traditional Office Space

Posted by Doug & Polly White on Jul 24, 2020 2:51:16 PM

For many organizations, working at Gather is a far superior option to signing a lease for commercial space. Here, we'll break down the five most important reasons:

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Topics: Coworking, Office Space, Business Corner