Personal Finance for Freelancers: A Guide to Organizing Your Finances

Posted by Patricia Lowe on Oct 12, 2020 3:59:30 PM

Organizing finances is one of the biggest challenges for freelancers. As to why, freelance journalist Jared Lindzon points out one glaring cause: fluctuating income. This can make it difficult to budget and save, and can even induce finance-related anxiety. That said, this instability is something you can learn to deal with, and this personal finance guide can help you do just that.

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Topics: Business Corner, Freelancing, Finance

What To Ask When It’s Time For Your Startup To Move to An Office Space

Posted by Joseph Genest on Sep 8, 2020 12:48:21 PM

For most people who work a 9-5, the office is where you spend almost half of your waking hours. If you’re at a startup, trying to get a company off the ground, that figure could be even higher.

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Topics: Coworking, Office Space, Business Corner, Company Culture, Startup

Five Reasons to Work from Gather Rather than Working From Home

Posted by Doug & Polly White on Aug 17, 2020 9:48:20 AM

The pandemic has forced many employees to work from home. As some return to the office, many people will be given the opportunity to continue to work remotely. Working from home is one option, but a Gather membership may be more advantageous. Here are five reasons working from Gather beats working from home:

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Topics: Coworking, Business Corner, Remote Work, Employee Productivity, Working From Home

Five Reasons Working at Gather Beats Traditional Office Space

Posted by Doug & Polly White on Jul 24, 2020 2:51:16 PM

For many organizations, working at Gather is a far superior option to signing a lease for commercial space. Here, we'll break down the five most important reasons:

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Topics: Coworking, Office Space, Business Corner

Lawyers Love Gather

Posted by Hannah Woehrle on May 22, 2020 2:39:22 PM

Gather is home to professionals in a variety of different fields - that’s the beauty of coworking. From Fortune 500 companies to Start - Ups, Gather is equipped to meet all kinds of business needs. One specific field of professionals that thrives in our spaces is lawyers. The security, confidentiality, convenience and professionalism of Gather make it easy for lawyers to comfortably and confidently practice out of our spaces.

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Topics: Office Space, Business Corner

How Innovative Offices Improve Employee Performance

Posted by Joseph Genest on Apr 10, 2020 2:24:46 PM

From the cubicle to the open concept, there are numerous examples of designs that have been effective for some industries and teams, while being a stonewall distraction for others.

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Topics: Office Space, Business Corner, Office Design, Employee Productivity

How to Handle Remote Team Management Successfully

Posted by Tina Martin on Mar 30, 2020 1:53:25 PM

Managing a remote team is the long-distance relationship of the business world. It’s an ideal situation for business owners who need to leverage the collective power of professionals but have a limited local talent pool. It’s also beneficial for employees who can’t stomach the thought of an hour-long commute each day or who work best unsupervised. But it’s not without its hardships, and getting ahead of those challenges before hiring your new remote team members is the best way to ensure things work out between you. 

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Topics: Business Corner, Remote Work, Management, Freelancing

Strategies for Establishing A Remote Culture

Posted by Joseph Genest on Mar 9, 2020 2:19:44 PM

To better understand what companies were doing to improve remote workplace culture, we decided to take a glance at companies within our coworking network, as well as some examples of thought leaders in the industry. Our findings were split between two separate pillars of improving remote workplace culture, which fell into helping with either productivity or workplace morale. Here are a few key strategies that stood out:

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Topics: Coworking, Business Corner, Remote Work, Company Culture

Is a Shared Workspace for You?

Posted by Langdon Moss on Jan 31, 2020 8:45:35 AM

Shared workspaces (or coworking spaces) aren’t for everyone, but they can be the ideal solution for the right kind of worker. In fact, according to one study by the Harvard Business Review, coworkers reported higher levels of satisfaction than remote and even office workers. In this article, we’ll walk you through the three top reasons people choose coworking to help you decide if it’s the right fit for you.

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Topics: Coworking, Business Corner, Remote Work, Company Culture

The Role of Culture in a Remote Company

Posted by Joseph Genest on Jan 17, 2020 1:01:13 PM

We often think about remote work as a culture in itself. After all, who doesn’t want the flexibility and freedom to work when and where they want?

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Topics: Business Corner, Remote Work, Company Culture