Hannah Woehrle

Hannah Woehrle shares her expertise on work-life balance, coworking, and professional development, offering valuable advice for today's workforce on Gather's blog.

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Lawyers Love Gather

Posted by Hannah Woehrle on May 22, 2020 2:39:22 PM

Gather is home to professionals in a variety of different fields - that’s the beauty of coworking. From Fortune 500 companies to Start - Ups, Gather is equipped to meet all kinds of business needs. One specific field of professionals that thrives in our spaces is lawyers. The security, confidentiality, convenience and professionalism of Gather make it easy for lawyers to comfortably and confidently practice out of our spaces.

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Topics: Office Space, Business Corner

Tips For Managing COVID Anxiety and Staying Productive

Posted by Hannah Woehrle on May 8, 2020 2:29:51 PM

Making the transition to working from home can be a challenge in the best of times. These days, with social distancing efforts making more and more positions remote, it can be hard to adjust to the “new normal” and cope with the fear surrounding COVID-19. As various states begin to prepare to re-open to varying degrees, there’s a lot of uncertainty in the air. 

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Topics: Employee Productivity, Working From Home, COVID-19