Cathy Welch

Cathy Welch shares expertise on improving productivity for businesses and entrepreneurs through her thought-provoking articles on Gather's blog.

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How to Organize Your Workspace and Increase Office Productivity

Posted by Cathy Welch on Jan 12, 2021 12:23:37 PM

How’s your workspace? Is it a dream to walk into, sit down and put your hands on exactly what you need to perform your next task?

Or is it a chaotic, frustrating mess? Getting a handle on the major workspace tools of paper, electronic documents, office supplies, and an efficient use of space is the perfect place to start.

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Working in a coworking environment like Gather can help in all these areas.

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Topics: Coworking, Office Space, Remote Work, Office Design, Employee Productivity

What Will the Office of the Future Look Like?

Posted by Cathy Welch on Nov 30, 2020 12:00:00 PM

In late March 2020, 16 million U.S. workers began working from home, and the number has increased months later. 

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Topics: Coworking, Office Space, Remote Work, Working From Home

The Benefits of an Outdoor Workspace

Posted by Cathy Welch on Sep 28, 2020 9:24:09 AM

US workers spend an average of 1780 hours on the job annually, according to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. Thankfully, commercial real estate designers are answering the call for flexible work environments that bring the outdoors to the workers.

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Topics: Office Space, Remote Work, Office Design

7 Things To Stop Doing In Order To Boost Your Freelance Productivity

Posted by Cathy Welch on Jul 10, 2020 2:54:45 PM

No one likes it when someone tells you that what you’ve been doing “forever” is ineffective, but breaking some of those bad habits can help you boost your productivity and use your time more efficiently.

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Topics: Remote Work, Freelancing, Employee Productivity

7 Things To Start Doing In Order To Boost Your Freelance Productivity

Posted by Cathy Welch on Jun 12, 2020 3:08:09 PM

As a home-based freelancer, it’s vital to be mindful of the ways in which you can optimize your productivity. I’m a writer, so when I receive an assignment, I list items like transcribing the interview, and creating a first, second, third and final draft. As the story begins to form, I focus on additional research, quote gathering, and cutting word count.

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Topics: Freelancing, Employee Productivity

A Community That Works For You

Posted by Cathy Welch on Feb 21, 2020 12:53:43 PM

Where do you like to work? Do you thrive in a creative, relaxed, high-end and concentration-enhancing professional community within a tech hub with tons of amenities? Do you do your best work in a place that fulfills your personal needs so you aren’t sidelined by a time-consuming trip to seek out a brief mid-day meal — unless that’s what you need? Do you crave comfortable, friendly, and collaborative relationships with others working around you that motivate you to reach higher goals?

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Topics: Coworking, Remote Work, Community