Langdon Moss

Langdon Moss offers a unique perspective on entrepreneurship, creativity, and workplace trends, sharing valuable insights on Gather's blog.

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Productive Morning Routines for the Remote Worker

Posted by Langdon Moss on Apr 24, 2020 12:52:04 PM

How you rise determines how you shine (or slog) through the day. The morning rituals we incorporate set the stage for how the rest of the day will unfold - in the words of Ben Franklin, “Early to bed and early to rise makes man healthy, wealthy and wise.” In fact, many of our most successful entrepreneurs view their mornings as the most important part of their days. In this post, we’ll share a few simple changes you can make to your morning ritual that have been scientifically shown to improve energy levels, boost health, and encourage mental relaxation.

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Topics: Coworking, Remote Work, Employee Productivity

Is a Shared Workspace for You?

Posted by Langdon Moss on Jan 31, 2020 8:45:35 AM

Shared workspaces (or coworking spaces) aren’t for everyone, but they can be the ideal solution for the right kind of worker. In fact, according to one study by the Harvard Business Review, coworkers reported higher levels of satisfaction than remote and even office workers. In this article, we’ll walk you through the three top reasons people choose coworking to help you decide if it’s the right fit for you.

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Topics: Coworking, Business Corner, Remote Work, Company Culture

4 Reasons You Should Stop Working From Home (And Start Coworking)

Posted by Langdon Moss on Oct 21, 2019 4:23:35 PM

You’ve heard the ‘work at home’ productivity buzz. What you haven’t heard is how consistently working from home often leaves remote workers isolated and lacking in a healthy community. Here are a few reasons why remote workers are leaving their homes and turning to coworking as a better alternative.

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Topics: Gather, Coworking, Office Space, Gather Blog

Arts District Grand Opening

Posted by Langdon Moss on Sep 19, 2019 2:06:13 PM


THANK YOU ALL for helping to make last week’s Arts District Grand Opening so special! 


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Topics: Insider, Gather, Coworking, Office Space, Gather Blog, RIchmond, VA, grand opening