We already do monthly happy hours, field trips to local bars, cookie hour, and a myriad of other fun activities to keep our members' productivity as high as possible. A lot of people often wonder how we get so much work done when we are so busy doing fun things all the time. The answer is simple. Happy coworkers are productive coworkers. This summer we plan on having the happiest coworkers in the area as we offer this relaxing new way to chill out while doing work.

Area residents, fear not, the pool will be deinstalled in plenty of time for the West Broad Village skating rink to be set up, but in the meantime we figured the space could be used for an awesome unique above ground swimming pool to benefit the whole area! To join simply get a membership to Gather and gain access to not only this pool, but every other Gather location including the newly announced Norfolk office! This includes 24/7 access to both Gather and the pool in addition to weekly cookie hours, monthly happy hour parties, unlimited coffee, printing, access to conference rooms, and many other amenities to take both your business and swimming to the next level.
Gather plans on pool construction beginning on April 1st and should be wrapped by April 4th. Stay tuned for opening dates and upcoming events. We're proud to bring the residents and businesses a chance to cool off and hope that this Gather West Broad Village Community Pool will be a hot way to cool down all summer long.
Let's do this...or as we say now, Let's Splash This!